Hello ! Here we gonaa make a difference of two top photo editing apps. Well, everyone knows these days products of google are very competitive and makes a standard place at any subjects. Yeah ! definitely ia am talking of the picture editing app created by Google. Its SNAPSEED ! And its challenger is the LIGHTX by Andor. Some factors that these apps are to be competing ! 1. Downloads Well, on downloads category, Snapseed has greater distance to that of Lightx. Snapseed has over 50 million downloads while the Lightx has only over 1 million downloads. 2. Rating Lightx probably has successfully beaten Snapseed. Lightx poses 4.7 rating on the playstore while the Snapseed has 4.5 rating. 3. Features Lightx too poses more and exciting fratures available in the app than in comparison to the Snapseed. 4. Popularity While the most popularity has gained by the LIGHTX than SNAPSEED...
ROYAL CHALLENGER BANGALORE, Rcb has formed and announced its teams for the vivo ipl, Ipl2018. And there is too the indian teams in 2018 vivoipl 2018 and also the foreign players like King Abd Villiers. Here are some team name photos of Royal challengers Bangalore , Rcb, RCB
If you really love to change your brown(black) skin color into pure natural white, then you must try out these measures once. Well, before starting i want to make you renowned that your skin has very sensitive and healthy cells. These cells can be damaged or burnt easily by unsuitable surrounding, harmful cosmetic, !and over use of any integrents or creams. So, follow this measures in limits to achieve the white glowing skin. 1. Mixing equal amount of honey and lemon juice as per to be applied. 2. Using only lemon juice is the best too. 3. Curds and coconot oil is rich in vitamins that makes your skin healthy. Apply twice a week some coconut oil. 4. Use tomatoes juice once a week and continue. 5. Avoid sunlight and apply white portion of eggs. And finally the main thing you should be have patience and continue the methods till u get best results.
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