5 things you should never Google search.

Yes ! There are some strange things you should never do google search. (Recommended by Google)
Well, its true about this facts !
I too got shocked after listening it and actually didn't believe.
But later i repeatedly came to notice about the same strange fact and read it for long. And it was the fact.
There are so maany things and terms listed by googles recommending them not to search.
But here we are about to know the only top 5 facts which are illegal to search on google.

1. Anything related to criminals
     Yeah, it must be your right to be curious about world top terrorists. And to know about them in detail doing google searches for excess is a crime.

2. Searching on manufacturing of deadly weapons and bombs.
      This is not a very strange one that googling excessive to learn manufacturing the deadly bombs may lead you to criminal crimes.

3. About your symptoms

Never search about your disease symptoms also. This may leads to you in faulty recognition of the disease and lead you todepressions. So its recommended for you to visit doctor.

4. About your skin colour
   This thing is too illegal. Never do search about the ethnics skin colors in a dominating words.

5. Dangerous animals

 This is a little bit of fun that you may get disease of fearing of such dangerous animals.
But, yes certainly you will be victim of this disease if you search a lot , see pictures of animals and start thinking about it almost a lot !


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